Friday, February 13, 2009

valentines sucks ass

What's the matter with valentines? I mean, its only an ordinary day. Yes, i know, a day of love. But what the hell! You can express yourlove to someone anytime! You don't have to wait for this day to do it! Damn! Who the hell even invented this day? Why didn't he invent "singles day"? You can't tell wether a person is single or too lucky to have somebody. He should've considered those single people out there with no one at their side. Damn inconsiderate guy! And what about cupid? YES! He's a very important guy in valentines. Why not make it "CUPIDTINE'S DAY"?!?!? And who the hell is valentine? Why him? You might be thinking that all of this is just a way of me getting out of my misery coz' im single, but no, it ain't like that. I'm just expressing what i think about that day. Don't get me wrong, like most, I've looked forward to valentine's day. I just thought about all those lonely peole out there. Till next time.!! :-)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

USC Life

So damn boring! I mean, I'm just new to this school... And this is where all the SH*T happens.
Well, at least i got a few friends or so. But one thing very common about them,.. most of them would invite you to have booze. And i'm totally not ito that stuff... well, i kinda drink sometimes. (BUT IM TRYING NOT TO!HAHA!) And that's is, my friends, how you make friends in USC. Tsk2x, and i'm not liking it in here. It's too damn far from home, got a high tuition fee, and F*CK they're making my course into five years!!!! Everything just keeps on adding on. The next thing I know, i'm eating horsesh*t. Damn! Well, so much for criticizing. Look into the bright side, they've got a number of "barnuts". HAHA! And I F*CKIN' love it! Haha!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I now have a blog!!!

Actually.. there's nothing no be happy about. But, maybe there is.
Haha! I'll talk about everything that's under the sun. I'll criticize, praise, or even criticize some more! Haha! Better watch out, you don't know what's coming...